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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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school of the prophets had grown to the point that they needed to provide
new facilities. As they
are in the process of cutting down trees to build their new home, one
of the prophets loses his axe head in the Jordan River.
He becomes distraught because the axe head was borrowed. He cries out to Elisha and the great prophet
performs a miracle and the axe head floats to the surface and the man
puts out his hand and picks it up.
Now, lest we be too harsh on this poor man who lost the axe head,
let us remember that he is engaged in a great work. He is busy! Yet, if there is a flaw in his activity,
it is found in this: he was working, but he was not watching! As a consequence, he lost the axe head
and was unable to continue his work.
He had lost the cutting edge. We may look at
this story and wonder if there is anything here for the modern church. I believe there is plenty here for us to
learn. You see, the axe head
represents the power to get the job done!
No man can chop down tress by flailing at them with an axe handle! It takes the sharp, biting power of the
axe head to eat through the wood and fell the tree. In the church, we need to realize that
without our cutting edge, that is the power of the Holy Spirit, we will never be
able to serve the Lord properly, nor will we be able to make a dent in this
world. We need God and His power to
get the job done for His glory!
Sadly, the modern church as become so tied to its traditions and its
programs that, for the most part, the cutting edge has been lost. As a result, there is no power in the
church, the lives of the saints, or in anything we do. We have lost the cutting edge! Most of what we do in the church can be
done without the agency or the power of the Holy Spirit! We are so good at what we do that we can
operate in the power of he flesh and no one notices the absence of God! However, while we may be able to operate
our churches, our programs and our lives apart from the power of God, we will
never make inroads into the world apart from the power of God. We will never be able to serve the Lord
in an effective manner until we perform that service in His power
alone! As we take a few
minutes to look at how this situation was handled that day, we can learn
some valuable lessons about how the church should handle the situation
in which she finds herself this evening.
God help us to recover the cutting edge.
This passage tells us how!
Notice the steps involved in recovering the cutting edge. I. v. 5
IT INVOLVES CONCERN A. As soon as this man feels the axe head
fly off, he cries out in despair.
He knows that
he cannot continue what he is doing until he recovers the axe
head. B. The first step in recovering the power
of the Spirit is coming to the place where we know we do not have it. I am convinced that many people walk
through this life thinking they are filled with the Spirit, when they have lost
His power and do not even know it.
They are trying to live for God and to do His work in power of the flesh
and do not even realize that He is nowhere around. This condition of many modern churches,
and modern church people, rivals that of ancient Laodicea, Rev.
3:14-20. C. I
wonder whether we care enough to search our hearts, our lives and the life of
our church and discover whether or not what we are doing
is of man or of the Spirit? Are we
concerned about the presence and power of God being in the midst of His
church? Friend, we are always
congratulating ourselves on the fact that “where two or three are gathered
together, He is in the midst.”
The Spirit of the lord is in us.
When we show up at church, He shows up at church! I am not talking about His mere
presence. I am talking about His
manifest presence. Where God not
only shows up, but when He also shows out! D. May the Lord help us to settle for
nothing less that the best God can give us! II. v. 5
He confessed the fact that he had lost the cutting edge. By admitting that the axe head was gone,
he was also admitting to the fact that it had become loose and he had not
bothered to tighten it. B. After we discover that we are lacking
something, we must come to the place where we can admit that lack to the Lord and to one
another. This is a hard pill to
swallow, but it is necessary to recovering the cutting edge. I think one of the hardest things for
any of us to do is to admit lack.
We want everyone to think that we are on the top of the heap; that we
need nothing; and that we are in control.
Where are the honest hearts that will cry out and say, “I just
don’t have the fire I used to have!
I am not as close to the Lord as I used to be! I need the power of God operating
through me to get the job done!”
What we need are honest hearts that will tell the truth about our
condition. We just need to come
clean and tell the Lord the truth about where we are! He already knows, but He wants us to
know as well. We need to relearn
the path to the altar. We need His
and His power in our midst, but there is a price to pay. Part of that price is confessing our
lack of power. C.
Before we will ever recover the cutting edge as individuals and as a
church, we must first come to the place where we can honestly admit
that we can’t do it, but God can!
We must find that place of total and absolute dependence upon
God and His power! when
we do, we will see souls saved.
We will see the manifest power of God in our services.
We will experience His power in the church house once again! III. v.
had borrowed it from someone in order to be able to help build the
building. Now, losing an axe head
may not seem that big of a deal to you and me. We can ride to the store and buy them by
the gross if we wish. However, in
that tools and other things made of iron we very scarce and in short
supply. This is illustrated by a
story from 1 Sam. 13:22.
Plus the fact that it was a borrowed tool would require this man to
replace the axe head, which he obviously could not do since he had to borrow it
in the first place. The fact that a
person would lend this man a tool of such value was a sign that the owner of the
axe head trusted the young prophet.
He did not want to violate that trust! B. I think the lesson for the church is
crystal clear. When we are working
for the Lord, as we should, we are operating with borrowed power! The power to serve the Lord does not
come from within our own human nature, but it comes from the Lord above, Acts
1:8. Therefore, we need to be
especially careful with the power entrusted to us. May we never take it fro granted! May we never come to the place where we
act as though nothing can take our power away. God help us to never violate His
trust! Just as surely as the Lord
gives His power, He can retract it again. C. If we are going to serve the Lord and
see eternal results from our service, we must IV. v.
IT INVOLVES COMING BACK A. As soon as Elisha heard about the problem,
he called the prophet back to the place B. Thus it is in the spiritual arena as well.
Before we can recover the power of God in our C. If we were honest this evening, we could
all pinpoint areas of our lives that stand between us and our having the glorious power of God
on our lives. What we need to do is
to backtrack and discover where we wandered off course. We need to go back to that point and
make a course correction. When we
do, we can prepare for the glory to be returned. V. v.
IT INVOLVES CONFRONTATION A. Elisha’s response to the situation is to
cut down a tree and cast it into the river. When he does, the axe head floats to the surface. A miracle occurs when human means are abandoned and divine help is sought. B. When we come to the place where we
acknowledge the loss of the cutting edge, there is only one way to get it back. There must be a confrontation with the
divine! First, there must be a tree
involved. The tree I am referring
to is the cross of Jesus. When we
get serious about dealing with our sins and shortcomings, the Lord will respond
with forgiveness and restoration, 1 John 1:9. Then, there must be a total abandonment
of all human agency and power.
Trusting a stick to make and axe head float sounds crazy, but it
worked! For us to stop trying to do
the work of the Lord, to just step back, place it all in His hands and trust Him
completely is difficult. However,
it is the only solution. C. Friends, one of the primary steps in
recovering the cutting edge of power in the church
is a return to God’s altar.
When the church deals with her sins, and the way between us
and the Lord is cleared of all obstructions, we can
count on the return of His power and glory in the house of
God. VI. v.
IT INVOLVES COMMITMENT A. The last thing this young man did was to
reach down and take the axe head in his hand. He committed to receiving by faith that which the
Lord had done. This may be the end
of the story as far as the biblical record is concerned, but we can be sure of
what happened next. This young man
firmly reattached the axe head to the handle and went back to work chopping down
trees. He had recovered the cutting
edge and was able to do what needed to be done. B. God has power available for those who
will pay the price for it and who will reach out and take it by faith. When we come to the place where we are
tired of the same old same old and are willing to handle our loss of the cutting
edge in God’s manner, He will give us back the power to do His work His
way. However, it is not for the
faint-hearted! It is for the
faith-hearted, alone! C. How committed are we to the idea of
experiencing God’s manifest presence and power in the church?
Our level of commitment will be revealed by what we are willing to do to
see it become a reality! Conc: Where
is the cutting edge this evening?
For most of us, it is at the bottom of the river, totally beyond our
reach and beyond our ability to recover.
Can we get it back?
Yes! If we will take the
steps we have been given this evening.
Are you willing? That is the
first step. The second is in
getting before the Lord and dealing with the problem His
way! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |